Monday, August 6, 2012

Choir Retreat 2012 God Still Speaks

If the Word was with God and the Word was God in the beginning as John tells us,
then the Word must be more than simply the written word.
Did God stop speaking when the ink dried on the last page of the NewTestament???
Do we believe He is still speaking today?
Hello dear ones,
We will be exploring God's wonderful Word while away this year. We'll be joining our voices in song and starting work on our cantata. There'll be food and fellowship. We'll invite the Spirit to fill us and move among us. We had a wonderful retreat last year and so many good memories!
We discussed the importance and the calling of being "High Priests" since we are worship leaders. I think you all took this to heart. You made me proud as you always do this last year and I'm looking forward to another one. See you there!
God bless,